It has been almost 2 weeks since arriving in Cambodia, & I can finally start wrapping my head around the fact I’m actually here. It’s surreal that I’m writing this as tuk tuks glide past the coffee shop window & the chatter of the khmer language fills my ears.
The ministry we are partnering with is a school that is on the same grounds as the church. The pastor & his family have shown us such hospitality & kindness since we have arrived. From cooking for us & bringing us dessert, to the friendship & laughter we have shared, to dancing in the rain & being invited to a family wedding; these newfound relationships are so special!
Our day to day life looks like waking up for our devotions, heading down the stairs for breakfast, going into the community for two home visits of church members where we get to share scripture & pray for them, after that we return for lunch, then our first class of kids arrive at 1:20 & we teach until 4 (with a break in the middle to play!), after they leave we have about an hour to regroup & our next group of students are here from 5-6 pm, then our day of teaching is done & we have dinner! The days feel full & undeniably leave us tired, but the fullness of knowing we are actively getting to serve others & share smiles & laughter with them is unparalleled! After dinner is team-time where we reflect on the day & get to spend time in fellowship together! My team! These 7 women I get to live with during this season have been the biggest blessing. I love their authenticity, humor, caring hearts, & willingness to serve. I feel like our little family grows closer every day, which leaves me with eager anticipation of the fun times as well as the hard moments to be had in the future!
So that’s the simple rundown of our lives here, but it cannot begin to describe all we have experienced thus far. The deep flooding that we waded through to visit a home, the simple things I have realized I take for granted, the pure joy that shines through the faces of the people we talk with, how even though the language barrier is real & hard, we know we are all family in Christ! The eagerness of the children to learn & willingness to listen. How there is no hesitation for them to run out to wave & say “hello!” as we walk by, or yell “I love you!” as we swing them around & play with them. Cambodia is kind, vibrant, gentle, & full of joy! I never want to forget this culture & how love is so simple & easy here! There is so much to learn from their hospitality & intentionality! Even though everything still feels so new, I find myself already starting to feel sad thinking about saying goodbye to this place & these people in a month.
That’s about all I’ve got for now! Thank you for all the love & support! Everyday I’m being reminded why God has called me here & how deep His love for the nations is!
Open & receptive hearts as we share the gospel in this place!
Lots of energy so we can pour into our students well!
The children in the village who don’t attend school & protection for them, as well as guidance on how to care for & love them too!
Health & peace for our ministry partners! They do so much for us & are constantly serving others!
ស្រឡាញ់ច្រើន!(lots of love!)