
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

HEY EVERYONE! This is my blog!

These past few months I have seen God work in my life miraculously & it has all led to this point! I have committed to going on the World Race Gap Year!!! Fall of 2023, I will leave for Gainesville, Georgia for training camp, & from there I will travel with my team to Cambodia, Thailand, South Africa, & Guatemala!! This all still feels surreal to me & I am so grateful the Lord has provided this opportunity. While on The Race, I will be working alongside experienced leaders to share the love of God & help meet the needs of the communities we serve. I am extremely excited to see how God moves my heart & the hearts of others during this time. I hope to share my excitement with you all & share all about my adventures, as I continue to post updates & pictures of my time while on The World Race Gap Year!

Now, the big question… Why The World Race?

The answer to this is fairly simple: God commands us to love Him & love others. (Matt 22:36-40!)

I could honestly write paragraphs upon paragraphs of every opportunity, experience, conversation, & prayer that has brought me here. From wanting to bring food to the hungry while riding on a camel in the desert at age 4 (I know, very specific dream job haha) to the tug I’ve felt on my heart to share the gospel overseas, & the unexplainable peace I felt submitting my application for The Race. I have never made a decision that is so easy, yet so hard. I know throughout this upcoming year I will make so many amazing memories & see God work in astonishing ways! I also know I will be challenged, pushed out of my comfort zone, & experience growth like never before! When it comes to God’s plans, the good always FAR outweighs the struggles. I know He will be with me when I feel homesick, missing my loving family & sweet friends. He will provide a community filled with new opportunities for friendship. He will walk with me & my team as we spread His love, comforting & leading us wherever we go. While I may be leaving familiarity, I know God remains constant & that is enough to sustain me!

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

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